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Halo Associates

Q&A with Andrew Sheerin, Managing Director Halo Associates

How comfortable do you feel now that AnyTech Solutions is looking after your IT requirements?
‘It was the missing piece of the puzzle for Halo. The absence of support from AnyTech was causing us unknowingly to be less effective day to day by trying to do our own IT. IT issues were being put on a back burner as we simply weren’t able to get to them. With AnyTech, we just raise a ticket and
they’re resolved.’
‘The other thing is, that was just the day to day but now; what you have done is you have added value to Halo. AnyTech has introduced us to new services that we simply wouldn’t have known existed before. This has enabled us to increase our client offering and roll out new chargeable
services, purely on the back of the vision AnyTech had. It also helps that AnyTech Solutions have creative industry experience and knowledge.

Working from home
With the installation of our new server and services you have enabled us all to work from home. It’s completely revolutionised our day to day and flexibility for the business to be agile.

The big thing is I know my guys don’t have to worry about IT. I used to live in fear of our server or network going down and that someone would have to be taken off a project to try to attend to the issue. Now we feel as though we have a real partner of the business that will ensure that we can focus on what we are good at and what we love.